
It's That Time of Year Again...

It's that time of year again when I need to be thinking about laying out calendars so everyone that wants one can get one before the first of next year. September seems to be a good month to do that.

Today, I laid out the first of the 2009 calendars. It's called "Cute as a Bug" and has a collection of my photographs in it that feature beautiful insects (nothing scary or gross for the squeamish).

I'd really like your feedback on this calendar and also some suggestions on calendars you'd like to see me lay out based on what photographs or art you've like from the blog and whatnot. I'd love to hear from all of you and can't wait to read your suggestions!

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  1. Cindy, I love your photography ... and I think the idea is great! I'm sure you'll have a lot of positive response. :)

  2. Cindy, that is indeed "cute as a bug"!! I loved all of the photos....

  3. Cindy, what a wonderful collection. All the photos are lovely. But I am sooooo partial to dragonflies.

    I made my first calender last year for my Mom and Dad. It was so fun, I am going to do it again this year. I have also been collecting photos of friends gardens during the year, to surprise them with a calander for Christmas.

  4. Calendars are a wonderful idea! I have loved your picture of the smiling watermelon:) and the rest of the produce. Your early morning pictures of your garden are so pristine and pretty. All of your photos are awesome!

  5. What a beautiful calendar.
    Are you making them for sale?

  6. Cindy!
    What a beautiful calendar - fantastic photos!!!
    Have you ever done a rosecalendar? :)

    Love Annie in Sweden

  7. Beautiful done. I love the "buggie" photos. Lovely, as always.

  8. Aunties--I've toyed with the idea of doing a produce calendar and now I think I should based on your input. I also really should do one up for "Mornings".

    Britt--Yes, this calendar is for sale. If you click on the image, it will take you where you can buy it.

    Annie--I really should do a rose calendar. That's a great idea!


  9. Beautiful photos Cindy. I would definitely hang it in my kitchen. :) In fact I might have to order one of them before they're all gone.

  10. Cindy, a kitty calendar would be in order, and be sure to feature Lucy!


  11. I love the style of your photos. Have you thought about Christmas card sets too?

    Of course your rose pics are my favs. :-)


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