
Stop to Smell the Roses

The past couple of days have been full of a lot of deep soul-searching on my part. I think creative types go through this regularly, so I'm beginning to see that feeling the need to do this isn't really earth-shattering. Mainly, I'm just trying to determine the best way to enjoy my creativity, express it, and then share the resulting tangible works with others. It's a long, laborious process of disjointed thoughts that poor Hubby has had to listen to repeatedly for days. He has the patience of a saint.

I know of no better way to get some good thinking done, then to go out in the garden, pull some unwanted growing pests out, relocate some volunteers, and trim up the rosebushes. One of those rosebushes is the "Tahitian Sunset" rose (pictured above) that is only a couple of years old but is as big as some of the older roses. I've worked in the same area of the garden with it and its neighbors the past couple of afternoons and evenings--usually until the sun goes down, and I'm only gardening by the light of the solitary streetlamp that's kitty-corner from our home.

At those times, I have no other worry or care except to eradicate the bad and accentuate the good. That's probably a good rule of thumb to follow for the rest of life too. Yes, that and... make sure to stop to smell the roses--often.

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  1. I find weeding or deadheading stress-relieving. Mowing the lawn makes me feel better too, :) But you're right we all need to take time to "smell the roses".

  2. I have been going through the same feelings myself this week, so your post was thought provoking for me......
    yes we should stop and smell the flowers as often as we can.....

  3. I get too caught up in so many other details that I forget to stop and smell the roses or enjoy my children, or.... and on it goes. Great post Cindy!

  4. Besides the beauty of it all, I just love working hand-in-hand with God, tending to His creation. It's soothing, relaxing, calming for me to be amongst all that beauty with the butterflies and bees and birds all around.

  5. lovely post and meaningful too, cindy, and a gorgeous rose.

    i think we all have the same conflict about how and how much and when to express our creativity, especially as life tugs us in different directions and sets conflicts before us!

    i try to work things out when i walk, but gardening is also a great way to do it--and it bears other fruits, as well.

  6. I've been trying to reassess a little this week. I wondered if it was the unusual hours I've been keeping waiting to hear from DD is NC. It led to me writing again and starting my 7th novel sized story. I have so many things I want to try to make, that I lose sight of the journey of making.
    Your post has got me thinking. Thanks.


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