
The Debut of a Dream Come True

I am very excited to announce the opening of the Rosehaven Cottage Art Gallery!

One of my favorite things to do has always been to go to museums and art galleries--to walk quietly through the different annexes and soak in the entire atmosphere for a memorable experience. I have always dreamed of having my own art and photography gallery where I could hang my work so people could have a similar experience as I have had so many times. I've wanted it to be free admission with no time limits or restrictions. Well, since I'm not independently wealthy, I figured that it was only a pipe dream.

But as I've churned and searched for answers these past few weeks (or months) on what direction my creative path should take, the idea finally came to me that I could have my dream. Instead of limiting myself to a physical "brick and mortar" gallery that would only get visitors that could travel there, I could open my own online art gallery so anyone with internet access could visit my gallery--with free admission and without time limits.

The idea began to gel further as I envisioned being able to having gallery showings in "annexes", "rooms", and "galleries" the way my favorite display spaces have been laid out. Visitors could "walk" through the different areas of the gallery--each area featuring a different showing of work.

So the Rosehaven Cottage Art Gallery has now become a reality. The first showing, entitled "Mornings", is already up for your viewing pleasure. Please come over and browse. Stay a while if you can. I'd love to have you!

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  1. What a great idea! You have some really beautiful images. I especially liked the Raindrops on Roses.

  2. Congratulations cindy. This is a wonderful idea. cant wait to check it out.

  3. I remember my husband making an on-line gallery for professional photographers with walls and rooms. I'll have to ask him what it was called.

    Off to look at your lovely work now!

  4. How exciting for you. I am so happy that you dream has come true, I can't wait to see it. I am going over right now. Have a great week.


  5. What I admire most about this post is that you actually DID something about your dream! I've already hopped over and it is well worth the time. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Cindy, congrats, what a great idea. I am heading over to view it now. Thanks for the lovely comment also, you are always so kind!

  7. These are spectacularly beautiful! Brett and I have ooohed and ahhhed! Congratulations!

  8. Had a word- the client was Tim Platt and the web site was yonks ago so no longer up. Tim does have his own website though.

  9. It is important that we follow our dreams and use our talents! You really have a talent for seeing something others wouldn´t see through a camera lens.

  10. Your gallery images are stunning!
    A lovley site indeed! I enjoyed the tour! :) NG


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