
My Favorite Napping Place by Lucy Maud

The tall cat tree is my favorite napping place during the day and after dark when Mommy and Daddy are watching the big exciting box. It's very, very tall. I like being up high. I can nap, and then wake up and see everything in the room at any time I want.

Here are some things I see when I wake up from my naps...

I see Dee Dee in her special box on Daddy's lap. Thomasina wishes she could fit in the box too, but it's a "one kitty" box. Sometimes Dee Dee isn't in her box, and I get in it to try it out. I like to rub my cheeks on the corners and roll around in it. Dee Dee has less room in it than me.

I can see Thomasina trying to lay as close to Dee Dee as she can. She really likes Dee Dee. Is Dee Dee her mommy? No. But Thomasina sure acts like it.

If I wasn't napping on my high-up cat tree, I would be chasing Thomasina and making her growl. Thomasina is very loud when we play. She growls and spits all the time. Mommy and Daddy call her the Tasmanian Devil when she does that. I wonder why...

I can see Gus taking a nap too. He likes the cubes. I do too. He's probably laying on my toys that I keep in the cubes.

The cubes are soft. When I jump up high to catch the flyer that Daddy moves for me, sometimes I land right on top of the cube. If Gus is in it, he gets very mad. Sometimes when I land on the cube it folds up flat. I don't know why. It never does that if Gus is in it. If Gus is in it, the cube just moves a lot.

I can see Suzette sitting in the same spot she does every night. She talks a lot every night when I am taking a nap. She lays by the small scratching post next to the couch and swishes her tail. She meows at Mommy while she does it. Then Suzette jumps up on Mommy and kneads Mommy with her paws.

Suzette is very big. She's twice as big as me. But I still bite her paws or her neck if I feel like it.

Okay... that's enough looking. I'm tired again. I'm going to go back to sleep now.

The End

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  1. Aww lady Maud looks so regal like the lions we saw at the zoo laying at the top of some rocks. It's probably a cat thing. LOL With the dogs they like to be high and the one who is highest is "top dog" hence the expression. Like with your cats, they like a happy house so they each have their own place to nap during the day, but should someone move... someone else will come creeping. It's like watching musical beds in slow motion.

    Lovely post.

  2. That looks like a pawsome napping spot. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

  3. I guess she is queen of the mountain with her high perch. lol Cute post.

  4. Lucy Maud~ I love her name. Reminds me of a very famous author from PEI:). I also wanted to say that I think you have a very beautiful header!!! Is that one of your paintings?

  5. How cute the kitties are. I love her little post, she is very witty. Her little sisters are so cute also. What a lovely family you have. Please tell Lady Maud thank you for sharing her story.


  6. Your little princess is not so little anymore and she knows her own mind, that's for sure. Loved all the pics of your kitties relaxing in your home and Lucy Maud's comments as she is very funny. All kitties looked so comfy and happy, just as it should be.

  7. Ahhh! I love cats! My favorite pictures are the first two at the top. I have to show this to my sister.

  8. That's why I like to be up high, too! You can see lots of interesting stuff from up there.

    My sister Pixie growls all the time, too. I do not know how to growl. But I know how to bite.

    I think the crown molding on your house is pretty!

  9. Very cute post by a very talented kitten. Love the photos of the family!

  10. Lovely Lucy Maud ... and what wonderful views she has.

    I must say your feline family certainly lives in style. And I'm sure they've earned it judging by their beauty, alone.

  11. Hello Lucy Maud,

    I'm so glad you came by today! Lovely to see you and hear about your sib-cats too. My grandkitties, Hobbes and Touchy may be coming for a visit. I'll let you know if they do.


  12. I must admit I am not a fan of cats...or dogs...or any pets, but I love that you named you cat Lucy Maud...fantastic choice!

  13. What they all have in common is that they're relaxed and well-loved. And, of course, they're all adorable!


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