
Life's Little Pleasures From the Garden

Yesterday evening, I ventured out into the garden before the sun went down to do "garden patrol". "Garden patrol" consists of watering things that aren't on the drip-mist irrigation system yet; checking on produce to see if it's ready for harvesting; check the water levels in the pond and other water feature; say hi to the garden kitties, Oreo and Mooch, and give them some canned food; and just check on the latest developments in the garden.

This time of year during my garden patrol, I often find produce that is at the peak of perfection and ready to be picked. Yesterday was no exception. I retrieved my wide and low harvest basket with a big handle to sling over my arm. I went in the back garden to harvest the luscious strawberries and plums as well as some pole beans and spinach leaves. It made for such a lovely arrangement in the basket that I had to photograph them before I dismantled it.

Once inside, the spinach and pole beans go into containers in the fridge with others that have been harvested over the past couple of days. With small harvests, this is the best way to get a good serving together.

The strawberries were rinsed and went straight into a cup to be delivered to Hubby who was working hard in his home office. I have been eating the strawberries straight off the bushes out in the garden for a month or so now. I thought it was only fair that he should get the next few batches.

The plums went into the fridge too so I could cool them off since they were quite warm after being out in the heat all day. Later in the evening I had cold juicy plums for dessert after our late dinner. Yum!

This is why I love gardening so much. These little treasures make it all worth it.

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  1. Everything looks gorgeous!

    M ^..^

  2. I can relate today I picked my fist crop of the season. Some yellow squash. I fixed them for our cook out. they were the best. I have to many tomatoes I am going to have to learn how to can. You basket looks very pretty.


  3. there is nothing like fresh garden goods!

  4. What a beautiful blog, I so very much look forward to reading more from you. PS I love the white geese.

  5. A bowl full of lush and colorful fruits is one on my biggest joys! Taking them from one's own garden must make it even more of a pleasure, to enjoy the fruits of the earth.

    Cindy, I love your new banner!

  6. hello..just stumbled on your blog. Your photography is wonderful.
    We used to have a garden, when we did not live in the desert. I miss my huge garden, and picking string beans with my kids; eating them stright off the vine.
    Maybe this fall, I'll try again...


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