
Brugmansia Sniffing and Pomegranates Blushing

Silly me! It didn't dawn on me to try and smell the brugmansia blossoms until Kylee from Our Little Acre commented that I should go take a whiff. Shortly after reading her comment, Hubby and I went out together to sniff for the first time. Wow! The scent is heavenly! It smells like a hybrid scent of lilac and daffodil to me.

I don't know why it didn't occur to me that they would have a scent. I guess it's because I've always been so entranced by the sheer size of these large blooms (about 4 inches wide and over 6 inches in length) I didn't even think to smell them. Silly me!

After the sniffing was done, I enjoyed photographing in the light of a summer evening--the best light for my style of shooting.

Hubby was headed back in the house when he stopped, turned and said, "Here's a sure sign that autumn is coming!"

I looked up from shooting the brugmansia to see Hubby cradling a blushing pomegranate in his hand. For Hubby, this is sign of hope--a sign that the heat of summer will actually end one day--sooner rather than later. He was very happy to see the blush on the shiny pomegranate skins. So was I.

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  1. Your brugmansia are so elegant. That is something I've never grown.

    You tomatoes look good. Mine haven't even started to ripen;(

  2. Tabby & lil Tabby how adoreable(:) I can't believe it ""how lucky"" to have red tomatoes already, mine are still green... Love the pics.. and thanks so much on my perky do(:) so sweet of you ..hugs Patty

  3. See? Isn't it wonderful? But really, I would have loved a photo of you with your nose buried in that thing. LOL!

  4. I have pomegranates this year too! (I've been babying that bush for 3 years, lol)...

  5. Cindy, I have 2 brugmansias in my garden. One is peach color and the other is a creamy yellow. I love them and their scents! The creamy yellow one is much more fragrant than the peach one. They are both so beautiful. I bought one of mine at the Farmer's Market here for only $9.00. The other one I bought from a lady that has a garden center by my oldest daughters house for $10.00. They are truly beautiful plants! Enjoy yours!

  6. Beautiful photos! I love the brugmansia. What a beauty. You really do live in a little piece of heaven!

  7. I love all your garden photos. I came back to red baby tomatoes, ripe yellow squash, and sunflower buds. Lovely summer! Don't even mention fall, that means school with start soon!

  8. Hia Cindy- just caught up- what a gorgeous flower congratulations! I can see why you were so happy to have been given a brugmansia now. And it smells too- how wonderful I'm so pleased for you.

    Well done for finding somethign you could do with your surplus plum crop. Mine are still ripening. A Hungarian frind of mine makes plum dumplings. Maybe the recipe is on-line?

    Thanks for sharing yor garden.

  9. Oh my favorite season, the pomergranates are on the way, lol, favorite fruit of mine. Anna :)

  10. I'm ready for autumn too! The flowers and the photos are just amazing.

  11. I did know about the Brugmansias and their blissful scent but I didn't know about the pomegranates blushing. Boy, does my face looks blushed now. ;-)

  12. The flowers are amazing! I love pomegranates, but am not quite ready for autumn. What do you do with the pomegranates- eat as is or make things with them?


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