
Sunflower Sunday

Today, just outside the little red door of Rosehaven Cottage blooms the first sunflower of this summer. The pale lemon-yellow sunflower is a "volunteer" from last year's sunflowers.

We keep our sunflowers up on their dried stalks long after they've wilted so the birds can use them as natural birdfeeders and pick every last seed out of them. But no matter how ravenous those birds are, there's always a few seeds that fall to the ground and reseed for the next year.

This is the first of those to bloom in the Rosehaven Cottage gardens this year--yet another happy delight of summer.

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  1. Dearest Cindy...forgive my tardy visit...but I come with a tiny gift for you, heart in hand. It is on my blog today if you would like to share a cup of blueberry tea with me...that would be wonderful.
    Love Miss Peach

  2. Such beauty I love them.

  3. I like sunflowers; they seem like such happy flowers.

  4. Don't you just love it when things reseed like that? In the field next to Max's Garden, we noticed some sunflowers coming up, which makes sense, because just adjacent to the area where they were growing is where our sunflowers were last year. But Farmer Doug sprayed and they wilted and died. :-(

    I'm growing dwarf sunflowers this year. They're from seed I took from a shorter sunflower a couple of years ago. No tall ones this year, and I wish I'd have grown some. Next year!


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