
Fresh As A Daisy

Little wild daisies are one of my favorite wildflowers, so the photos I shot of them recently seemed a fitting companion to my announcement that I finally have my computer problems solved! Hooray!!!!!

Back in April, Windows pushed out an automatic overnight security update to my computer that caused everything to grind to a crawl. My PC went from being a beloved creative tool to a bane to my existence. The keyboard and mouse would freeze up inexplicably. Applications would run in the background and make the PC into a slug. No matter what my in-house techie Hubby or our out-of-house professional PC docs did, the poor thing just couldn't be brought back to what it had been before the April update.

Hubby has been saying the same thing for a few years now, "You're not going to be happy until you finally are back on a Mac."

In my former B.H. life ("Before Hubby"), I worked as a Mac computer trainer, help desk support person, and all-around Mac guru for a company that was totally Mac faithful. In fact, Macs were something that were part of my entire adulthood. I had been introduced to the very first little Mac "classic" (before it was even called that) when I was 18 years old. I had grown with Macs as they grew--adopting new software and technology as it was released. With a fresh Commercial Art degree back in the 80's, I was even on the cutting-edge of desktop publishing with the early version of Adobe PageMaker. I spent all of my 20's in a Mac-centric career of desktop publishing and admin support.

So I knew deep down Hubby was right.

But in the years A.H. ("After Hubby"), I had entrenched myself in the PC world with a lot of software that was only available on PC's. I kept telling him that I could make do. I'd made the switch. It wasn't necessary to make the expensive decision to go back to Mac. But as I have progressively re-embraced my creative roots over the past year and a half, it had become more and more clear that Hubby was right.

I really wasn't going to be happy until I was on a Mac again.

A quick trip to the Apple store in downtown Walnut Creek with my photography loaded on a flash drive in-hand, was the clincher. The staff at the store happily let me plug-in the flash drive to any of the Apple's on display. I was floored. My photos came alive on the gorgeous Apple Cinema displays. My work looked like it was supposed to look.

We left and talked it over for a few days. I researched and Hubby researched. Using a software like VMware would make the PC software issue a moot point. There wasn't anything left I could argue with.

Then when we went back to the Apple store to make the purchase, they were throwing in an all-in-one HP printer with each Mac purchase for $99. The printer came with a $100 mail-in rebate. A "free" printer! It must have been meant to be.

And the white printer is so cute too (if a printer can be "cute"). Everything in my studio went from the glossy blacks and gun-metal greys of PCs to the fresh whites and silvers of the Apple iMac and its new companion HP printer. It's so easy on the eyes!

I'm back. I'm on a Mac. And I'm feeling fresh as a daisy!

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  1. The little daisy is beautiful. Enjoy the new system.

  2. Good for you!

    There are days when I'm tempted to go back to a Mac. All those years at the Lab spoiled me. Did you take computers our senior year, with those first Macs that came out in 1984 and Mr. Micheli? Holy cow.

  3. Lovely pics, would be a shame to take such a nice picture without being able to print it!

    Macs are good, but just dont have the versatility that the original Windows PC has

  4. I am glad you have your computer problems all fixed! And daisies are my very most favorite flower.

  5. Simpler is better, both in flowers and computers.

    I can't blame you for switching back to a Mac, either. The last Service Pack that Microsoft pushed on me caused the external hard drives to become useless and Windows XP began to hang on shutdown and reboots. Fortunately there was a way to uninstall it.

  6. Congratulations on your new computer! So are you going to show us your Mac? I wanna see!!! :-)

  7. Cindy, I'm happy to hear you're thrilled with your new system! We artists and bloggers are so dependent on our computers, that life without them can truly make us feel out of the loop and miserable!

  8. Fun for you Cindy-Mac. I know you will love being back. Great daisy photos.

  9. I love your pics, especially the sunflowers. I'll definitely be back.


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