
May's Parade of Roses and Blooms, Part 2

May is the month of roses here in the Rosehaven Cottage gardens, particularly in the front garden where most of the rosebushes reside. Over the next couple of posts, let me take you on a photographic tour of our front gardens in all their May splendor. All the color makes this one of my favorite times of the year.

Above: My Dover Beach bearded iris is a late-bloomer this year compared to the rest of the bearded iris,
but I'm glad it is so that I can enjoy its cool blue loveliness all by itself.

Above: One of my favorite flowers is the biennial foxglove with its leopard-spotted throats and tall stems.
I first remember seeing them growing in the landscaping along the queue at Disneyland's Matterhorn Bobsleds attraction, and foxgloves have always reminded me of Disneyland ever since.

Above: Little touches of white blossoms are garden essential, in my opinion.
Right now the My Fifi rose (left) is covered in petite white blossoms and looks far more mature than
I thought it would be since it just joined the garden as a bareroot in early 2007.
Over the past 8 years, the Princess Diana bower vine (right) has draped itself
all of the front pergola that welcomes visitors to Rosehaven Cottage.
I brought it in a pot from the apartment we lived in before coming here. This bower vine has become a symbol of the act of putting down roots somewhere and finally having a home of our own.

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  1. Your flowers are *so* lovely, and I love the name of your home - just perfect :)

  2. Your pictures are always beautiful, but I just clicked on your kitties on the sidebar. That was fun.

  3. Soo the dreamy colours of your irises too :)

  4. Love your blog. I found you on Kimme's Irish cottage dreams. I'll be back for a longer browse later. looking forward to it!...cheers...Pam

  5. I love the idea of the bower vine being the symbol of putting down your roots at Rosehaven Cottage.

    I finally put the Mayflower rose in the ground as the same sort of symbol. I told the Professor that I was just 'asking' for another uprooting by doing that. I hope not.

  6. I looked through my Rose picture guide but I'm sorry to say I did not find any rose name with mystic or any rose that looked a lot like your mystery rose. I'll keep looking, though. If nothing else, I am enjoying the 'research'.

  7. I absolutely LOVE the blue iris. It is so elegant. They are a favorite of mine. Your garden is so lovely.

  8. Enjoyed the flowers very much and that true blue Iris is simply smashing!

  9. Yes! My lilacs and dianthus are finally blooming. The scent when I walk through our gate is heavenly! Your gardens are just stunning!

  10. I adore your blooms...I remember growing up...we lived with my Meema..she used to cut an Iris for us to take to our teachers..I'll never forget those days, what a memory!
    Hugs to you,

  11. Very lovely !

    In the other day I spent some time taking some photos from wild flowers and they are quite beautiful.
    A pity that not everyone takes time to look at them.


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