
After the heat is over...

After the heat is over as the sun slips over the western horizon and the moon comes peeking through the branches of pomegranate blossoms...

...the garden remains awake and alive for every last second of light.

The bees take their last sips of water at the pond's edge to take back to the hive where they will rest for the night.

Oreo, the garden kitty, emerges from her cool napping spot that has kept her protected from the day's scorching heat.

She patrols her garden before nightfall, pausing to take a little drink of refreshing water from the pond before she moves on to sniff all the smells she missed during her daytime slumber.

Although it is getting dark soon, the bougainvillea are happy after having soaked in a good dose of heat and sunshine throughout the day.

The Bells of Ireland stand green and cool as if the heat didn't even touch their corner of the garden. Green and lush reminders that spring was not so long ago, these bells must be quietly tolling the day's end for only the garden to hear.

The Japanese Water Iris in their stately purple robes stand majestically against the twilight in the western sky.

The deep cool tones of blue and purple will soon be mirrored in the summer night sky.

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  1. How very poetic! The pictures are lovely -- especially the iris. I love purple.

  2. beautiful pictures and flowers! I would love to see more of the pond. Just hopped over from another blog. We recently put a koi pond in the backyard.

  3. You always amaze me!

  4. What a lovely post Cindy, there is a poet in you somewhere. ;-)

    Love those gorgeous Irises, I have some on my blog too from the garden that most Americans want to go too in Europe.

  5. What a lovely set of photos and the article is also very well done.
    I tried also to take some photos and they turn out quite good (you inspire me)

  6. Gorgeous photos, wonderful comments. Thanks ... you just made the day even nicer!

  7. Homesick! Your lovely photos really catch California. thanks for sharing, I can almost feel the warmth! Take care, Stephanie

  8. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! I love your water garden!

  9. Lovely photos! I think I am jealous of Oreo.

  10. What a wonderful place - I'm glad I found your blog!

  11. What a beautiful world you live in, Cindy!


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