
You know you've been working hard when...

You know you've been working hard when the head of your sledgehammer flies off the handle. The term "flying off the handle" has a literal meaning for me now (hee hee). I was swinging away at the "acres" of concrete slab I have to remove, and voile! The head flew right off. But never fear. After a quick trip to the hardware store just around the corner, I had a bright and shiny new hickory handle to put the sledgehammer head on. It's so nice swinging that new handle now. The other one was pretty warped (I don't know if you can see it in the photo at right).

You also know you've been working hard when the muscles in your thumbs ache. Who knew I had muscles there?!?! And just to set the record straight... just because I'm able to swing a sledgehammer at concrete like an insane woman doesn't mean I'm in great physical shape. I'm a short chubby woman with lots of determination and stamina who gets a twisted sense of satisfaction from hard manual labor. So if I can tackle this ridiculous task with all my physical issues, anyone can. You just have to be a little crazy (okay... maybe a lot crazy).

Speaking of crazy... you know you've been working too hard when filling up the two-wheeled wheelbarrow with the "smaller" chunks of concrete seems like a good idea. Trust me... it isn't. I had to empty the wheelbarrow by hand, flinging the chunks into an empty flower bed, before I could move the thing. I must have been delirious with endorphines from swinging the hammer too much when I thought up that bright idea.

You also know you've been working hard when suddenly you realize that a whole week has gone by since you last posted to your blog! Oops! How did I lose track of a whole week so easily? Does that happen to anyone else once they get working in the garden? I certainly hope I'm not the only one.

Anyway... without further adieu, here's what's blooming and growing in the Rosehaven Cottage gardens right now. Enjoy!

You can view any of the images larger by clicking on them.

Above left: The first bloom on the Our Lady of Guadalupe rose that went in this year.
Above right: The blooms of the Cherry Parfait are more spectacular that I could have imagined last year when I put it in.

Above: The Golden Showers climbing rose is the perfect backdrop for the pond waterfall and birdbath in the back garden.
I can see this gorgeous rosebush from my studio window.

Above: The Japanese water iris, New Zealand flax, and aloe look great against the backdrop of the Golden Showers rosebush too.

Above: My favorite gazanias ever are all in bloom under the Princess Di Bower Vine on the front pergola. Isn't the color beautiful?!?!

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  1. ...Just a little crazy, I'd say! ;) You're my hero, I'd pass out from all that exertion.

    Those gazanias are gorgeous.

  2. Wow! You're the (wo)man! Go girl with the big biceps!

    I finally had to draw the line at putting in the railroad ties and got some help for it. Between The Professor and me, we couldn't even budge them. Sort of like your wheelbarrow of concrete.

    We've been picking BUCKETS of stones out of our terrace garden. What does one do with BUCKETS of stones? No, they're not decorative...

    The roses are wonderful!

  3. Hi Cindy!! are busy...and here I am wondering if I want to go get some bagged wood chips to put in my garden today......I love your garden!

    LOVED the previous posts with the kitties and the so so cute! You captured that wonderfully!

  4. I'm impressed and also grateful you were not hurt and didn't break a window. The blooms are beautiful.


  5. I'm exhausted just from reading about your hard work!

    Your roses and garden pictures are beautiful.


  6. What a hard work!
    Beautiful flowers in your garden :)

  7. Well, hello crazy lady! ;-) Soon your muscles will have muscles, even those in your thumb. You know what they say: time flies when you're having fun. Lately I've been so busy in my garden (and with other things too) that I didn't have much time for blogging either.

    Lovely blooms in your garden, especially the roses. Mine will flower soon too.

  8. This is a busy time for all gardeners I think :) Love the cherry parfait rose...stunning :)

  9. You're so lucky to be gardening in California. No wonder you get excited about yard improvements! Take Care and don't work too hard. Stephanie

  10. Hi Cindy,
    I found you through Holly's blog.
    I enjoyed reading about all of your kitties! We are huge animal lovers and have 2 kitties of our own (plus 1 dog and 1 parakeet!)
    I love your blog, it's great!
    Jill and I still keep in touch, mostly through Christmas cards.
    I would love to visit your amazing garden sometime!! :)
    Take care!
    Debbie(Axelsen)Lawson... from Livermore! :)

  11. Oh-so-gorgeous! I love flowers. I'm going to have to tell my mom about your blog. She loves gardening.
    My dad forced me to plant lettuce (plants) yesterday.
    Don't work too hard!

  12. Love the photos of the flowers and the cats. I have not heard of gazania. Very pretty!

  13. Oh my garsh!!! LOL First of all, I think you put my back out, just looking at the pics of all the strenuous labor you've done! Second, it was soooo worth it!!! Your garden is simply delectable! Do you also have a bed and breakfast??? hehehe

    Well.... it was worth a try. ;-)

  14. I must say that you are the hardest working woman I've ever known. The gardens are beautiful!

  15. Your garden looks lovely. I know what hard work it is to get everything looking that good. Wielding a sledgehammer? What a woman!

  16. My Cindy you sound like a girls after my own heart,these are the kind of things I used to get up to,knocking down a fireplace and surround is good fun too lol,I have taught my girls well they too enjoy getting stuck into these projects! Only problem is I have to take my time now and keep my inhalers close by!!!
    Ihave to say your garden is looking gorgeous,love the pictures,and little Lucy isn't so little any more what a cutie,its so nice to be able to catch up with everyone again!
    Take care,love from Kathyann and the girls


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