
The Most Recent Recipient of the Rose Medallion

I haven't posted much this week and one of the main reasons is the creative inspiration that I have received from Gretel Parker at Middle of Nowhere whose recent post On Being A Creative Butterfly has jumpstarted and motivated me into the artistic mindset that I've needed to get back into for quite some time now. So I thought it was only fitting that Gretel be the new recipient of the Rose Medallion so that I could honor her by sharing her blog with the rest of you.

The "Rose Medallion" is given by us to blogs that we find to be of exceptional merit in design and content. The blogs given this honor are those that we have found particular enjoyment, inspiration, and/or insight(s) in reading--blogs that have exhibited a passion for living.

Gretel is an amazingly talented artist in illustration, graphic and printing arts, and three-dimensional works of art using the exquisite art of felting. Her whimsical artwork has a moving quality that touches me deeply, as it not only resonates for me as an admirer of her work but goes the extra step of striking creative chords inside me so that I feel moved to begin creating my own artwork. Don't ask me why this is so, it just is. It is because of Gretel that this week I've been able to begin painting again after a hiatus (or "brick wall") that has lasted since since last fall. Thank you, Gretel!

Now, this "creative butterfly" needs to finish post so I can be off to the art store to buy another tube of watercolor I don't have.

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  1. What a lovely blog, so very deserving of your award. And hurray for the creative butterflies! Why stick at one thing when you can do many? ;-)

  2. Cindy beautiful art work, thanks for sharing, I think I got now energy to keep going also. Thanks for sharing, congrats to the recipient for their beautiful art. Anna :)

  3. Thank you so much Cindy - I feel honoured and not really sure if I deserve it, but I am so glad that you are finding your creative feet again - they are always there, we just can't always see them. :) Even better that you are painting again, I know how good that must feel after the break!

    Gretel :)

  4. Congratulations to Gretel for the award and for inspiring you, Cindy, and to you for finding the creative spark that motivates you to paint again! Have fun with it!

  5. Thanks for sharing. The site is pretty.



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