
Easter Weekend Reflections

All week I've been working away at my big drainage installation project in the back garden. This week was full of wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of 3 cubic yards of pea gravel being pushed from the driveway in front to the back. The tedium of the task has allowed me to do a lot of reflecting. My garden inspires me to think of those things that matter in the whole eternal scheme of things. It never ceases to amaze me how trees, plants, and earth do that.

Early in the week I finally put the potted olive tree into the ground so it can set up permanent residence. I built up a planter for it out of chunks of recycled concrete, filled it with rich garden soil that had been compositing under the oleander for the past few years, and then manuevered the olive into place. Some narcissus, daffodils and tulips that needed new homes took up residence around the base of the olive.

There is something about planting an olive that is meaningful, spiritual, and deeply symbolic. The Garden of Gethsemane where Christ spent the night before his crucifixion had olive trees in it. The name "Gethsemane" literally means "olive oil press". Christ spent those agonising night-time hours being pressed emotionally, mentally, and physically until He bled from the pours of His skin. He was the only perfect and sinless person that had or will ever walk the earth. He was like a harvest of perfect olives used to produce the best and finest extra virgin olive oil--the oil that is prized because it is from the "first press". Christ's experience in Gethsemane was the "first press" in so many ways. That Atonement that Christ performed that night, produced the finest and most precious gift that mankind could ever receive--an Atonement for our sins, our pains, our sorrows, and our inquities.

As I tamped down the earth around our own olive tree, all of these thoughts ran through my mind. I felt moved to offer a prayer after the planting was over to ask that the olive tree would thrive, prosper, and fulfil the measure of its creation here in our garden. As I closed the prayer with tear-filled eyes, I felt a closeness to my Savior. It was a fitting way to begin the week preceding Easter.

As I have hauled each wheelbarrow full of gravel and placed it into the trenches that are now paths that run around and by the olive tree's planter, I realized how much that part of the garden is beginning to look like the way I have always envisioned Gethsemane looks even though I've never seen it in person. Over and over I have had the words of a song going through my head as I have worked--I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked. And today as I completed the last of the path that hides the main trench, I sat down to take a last look before the light in the spring sky faded too much for me to see. Again, the words ran through my head.

On this Friday of Easter weekend, I have also been privileged to receive some wonderful inspiration from the blogs of my blogging friends. As I have read of their devotion and faith, they have helped me to put my heart and mind in the place that it should be at this time of year. I found stirring inspiration from Helen at Brushstrokes, etc. both with her art and with her words. I was reminded of important questions to ponder and reflect upon from Holly at 2 Kids and Tired. And I found Easter hope and joy from Kate at Our Red House. I say "thank you" to each of them for what they have shared with me and others. Each of you have helped to give me the proper perspective for this lovely Easter celebration that is ahead of us.

Whether one is Christian or not, the season of spring is full of hope and renewal. Even my friends in the southern hemisphere are celebrating a time where nature is getting ready for renewal by shedding the old. Every year when spring comes, I find at least one miracle that draws my mind back to the promise of new life. This year it was a petunia that wintered over through numerous frosty nights in a little pot at the base of the birdbath. It never let go of life. It hung on and is now in bloom again. It's exuberance and tenacity have reminded me that despite the bitter times in life, if we are rooted in a good place we will weather life's winters. We will come through alright and be able to bloom again. Holly asked in her blog "Why do you believe?" and I have to say this is why I believe. Because there is no way that the miracles of my own life and the miracles of humankind's existence in general could happen unless there was a loving Creator that made it so by His powerful hand. Just as the petunia is blooming again and as Christ rose again from the tomb on the third day after being crucified, I can bloom again after each challenge in life and ultimately have the promise of "blooming" one last time to enjoy a resurrected body myself and live for eternity with those I love.

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  1. I am with you all the way in your thoughts although I don't post much about my Christian faith in my blog.

    I just returned from our Good Friday service and opened your post, so I will go read Holly and Kate have written.

    Happy Happy Easter to you!

  2. Thanks Cindy. Easter is such a special time and we all need to be reminded of what our Lord and Savior did for us. God Bless you and your family.

  3. Thank you for your thoughtful and moving post.
    Love you,

  4. Cindy, what a beautiful post. I just read it to Romie and Jenna (she's home right now), because I love how you have seen the connection between this life and the life to come. It should always be that way.
    I've always said that Easter should be the "big" holiday in the Christian year (instead of Christmas). Yes, Christ's birth is a gift, but only because of what He ultimately went on to do - to give it all up for me and you and everyone who believes.
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I, for one, am better for it.

  5. That was really quite beautiful. Thanks for putting it out there like that. A great reminder.

  6. Good post! This is the season of rebirth and renewal in life ,in spirit and in Nature!
    Happy Easter.

  7. Love this post. Thanks. Happy Easter to you and your family!!

  8. Beautiful post...the second shot is simply awesome....Hope you had wonderful Easter celebrations!

    I am a bit too busy with my work now, which will continue, so couldn't visit your blog for sometime...anyway, I will check your other posts later whenever I will get the break.

  9. It was a beautiful post indeed. Thank you for boldly sharing your faith.

  10. Cindy Happy Easter to you and your husband, and thanks for sharing this post and beautiful photography. Anna :)

  11. Hi Cindy,
    Just stopping by to wish you and your family a Happy Easter.
    Siobhan xo

  12. So beautiful. I bet you are tired.

  13. Thank you so much Cindy. Your writing is beautiful, as always. I have never found the journey of faith an easy one so am encouraged that you found my words inspiring.



  14. This is a beautiful post. Hope you had a nice Easter.

  15. Cindy - You have been busy! I have so enjoyed your beautiful spring blooms - thanks for the great photos. I have a bit of a wait yet for mine to appear, so appreciate you warm weather bloggers sharing yours!

  16. Cindy,
    What a beautiful post..not only do you take beautiful pictures, but your writing is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your garden.


  17. Cindy, as usual your words and your pictures are simply gorgeous. I can't help but wonder what it would be like to spend a whole day with you and just observe that kind of beauty.

  18. Wonderful post Cindy. From now on I will look differently at an olive tree.


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