
Buds and Blossoms of Blue

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I was thrilled beyond words this week to discover that the plum tree in the back garden is in full bloom! Now, at first blush some readers may think that my excitement stems from the sign of spring that the blossoms represent. Yes, I must admit that this did play a small part in my excitement. However, the main reason why I am so excited is because this tree hasn't had a full bloom in about 3 years. It has gone past the blossoming stage straight into leafing out with only a few blossoms that I witnessed being eaten by a sparrow (thanks!). Last year, only 2 plums developed on the tree. I LOVE plums and this was very disheartening to say the least. I've been praying and hoping that this year would be different. The plethora of blossoms is a good sign that it will be.

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Another reason why I'm so happy is that the garden is full of blue blossoms right now. I LOVE blue flowers! And it seems that right now, everywhere I turn is a little splash of blue perfect for my taste. The rosemary (above left) is a favorite of the honeybees that, despite the heavy rains of last week, come out in force as soon as the sun peeks out from behind the clouds. The grape hyacinth (above center) form a small and delicate ring of blue around the base of a potted dogwood. The standard blue hyacinth (above right) have such a heady fragrance right now that every time I step out onto the front porch, I am enveloped in their scent.

It was so hard to leave everything and go on our little getaway to Southern California this weekend because I was certain that it would all be gone after we got back. Silly me. Of course it wasn't; they were all still here to usher in the first day of March when we arrived home.

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  1. Hi Cindy..I love your flowers and yay you got to go to Disney!! Good for you!!

  2. Blue flowers are extra pretty!

  3. Those plum blossoms are gorgeous!

  4. Love the flowers,but would love the plums when ripe hehe.

  5. Yay for the plum tree! I love blue flowers, too, and yours are gorgeous. I hope you get lots of plums.

  6. Me to, Me to. My plum bloomed today. I also found my first grape hyacinth. Yeah!!!

  7. I know what you mean about being reluctant to go way during any phase fo the gardening season. The house we moved to 2 years ago has lots of little blue flowers in the front yard each Spring. Your blue pictures brought a smile to my face...ahhhh..those days will come to Massachusetts before toooo long.

  8. It's so pretty! No blossoms here yet though. Sigh...

  9. Congratulations on the plum. Lovely photos! Your blue flowering bulbs have me longing for my first glimpse of the scilla, chionodoxa and pushkinia that form a carpet beneath my weeping 'Snow Fountains' cherry. Here, on the Northshore (North of Boston, MA) spring is often a reticent visitor ...Deb

  10. I love your photos! Spring is the best season of the year!

    Thank you for your comment on my blog :)

  11. Thanks for sharing Spring with us. Here in freezing Michigan-it's only a dream!

  12. we are not quite as far along into spring as you are, but we are finding so many mid-morning surprises as we stroll through our gardens. springtime is magical!

    i love your "blues," too! i stupdily pruned back our rosemary a couple of weeks ago without realizing it was filled with buds. :(


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