
Five Fun Food Facts About Me

I've loved black olives for as long as I can remember. When I was a toddler, I would put an olive on each finger and call myself... [Read more]

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  1. Cindy you did not change, lol. Cool olive story, I was the sour krout eater, Anna :)

  2. Cute picture. I love black olive and cream cheese with pecan mini sandwiches.

  3. Cindy, great picture - it is amazing that as a kind you liked olives :) their taste is not 'easy' for kids.
    So you had sophisticated taste since the beginning, right?

  4. Hello dear ollie monster,

    You are sooo cute with your olives but I am so sorry...I can not eat husband loves them but I can not even smell them.

    Just wanted to let you know I have handed you an award...drop by to pick it up.

    Lv Siobhan xo

    p.s. I have a few suprises going on over my blog so drop by. xo


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