
Archive Meme

Kate at Our Red House tagged me with one of the coolest meme's I've seen. Usually I don't like meme's, but I actually was glad that Kate tagged me for this one.

Why? How could I possibly be glad I was tagged? Well, the meme is a way to send one's readers back into the blog archives to posts they may have missed or posts that they will remember (hopefully fondly).

The rules are as follows:

Link 1 must be about family.
Link 2 must be about friends.
Link 3 must be about yourself, who you are... what you're all about.
Link 4 must be about something you love.
Link 5 can be anything you choose.

Post your five links and then tag five other people. At least TWO of the people you tag must be *newer acquaintances so that you get to know each other better... and don't forget to read the archive posts and leave comments!

Ready? Here we go!

Family past and family present

Friends (remember Kitty cats are friends too!)

Me (who I am and what I'm all about)

Something I love

Anything I choose

Now I get to pass this on to five other people. I am passing this on to:

Lynda Lehmann at Peripheral Vision--Inner Sights by Lynda Lehmann

Miss Peach and the Mistress of Briarrose Cottage at Miss Peach's Meowz

Thea Burger at Shades of Life

Strawberry Lane

Linda at Somewhere in Time

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  1. Neat meme! It was fun to go back and read some of your older posts. You picked ones that I had enjoyed the first I time I read them, so I really enjoyed them now!

  2. Oh Cindy this sounds like a very fun and interesting meme. I will be thinking about my answers as the days roll on this week and let you know when I have the meme completed. Thank you for thinking of me and have a wonderful romantic Valentines week.
    Hugs and purrrs Karla & Miss Peach

  3. How fun...what a neat tag and a great way to bring back some great and meaningful posts....

  4. Hi Cindy,

    I would LOVE to do this neat meme, but I just don't know when i can get to it! I want to post about the Opening of my show, which happened this past weekend and I'm still recovering from, lol...

    And next weekend I'm driving all the way down to S.C. to see my father for a week. But I'll get to it as soon as I can. I'm afraid life is snowing me, as usual, of late! (I haven't been at my other communities much at all, either.)

    Thanks, Cindy, for thinking of me!!! :)

  5. Cindy,
    What a wonderful meme! Will look forward to putting that together. Thanks for thinking of me.

    Your site looks so beautiful with all those lovely flower pictures!
    So refreshing!

  6. Cindy what a cool meme, and what is more cool the illustrations, they are just beautiful, so simple and delicate. Anna :)


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